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Brèscia, may 30 2023.

Brèscia 2023 5 30, North Italy


The honor of the first authentic formation of the 2023 season was to Italy. Northern Italy to be precise. Although it is a nice tight formation, the wheat field is full of irregularities, which is an important clue to the interpretation.

Category and references.

At the initial glance, I realized how the design can be placed in a category of crop circles in which parallelism, or shift in parallelity, of concentric rings is the most important feature.

Examples from the category.

It also seemed to refer to a crop circle article I published in April this year. That article is essentially about the impact of data, technical developments and their compensation by nature awareness. This Brèscia formation seems to me as if it has captured this essence in one pictogram. It thus forms a basis for the theory that I will elaborate in this article. It is recommended to read the "Data point article" first. In it I explain why there is a "nature awareness point".

As mentioned, we see the Brèscia formation placed in a field full of irregularities. Both dark and light stripes can be seen. Spots that have a disruptive effect on the tight orderly pattern of the formation. This makes it seem as if the crop circle is under a flood current.

The case is that at the time of the appearance of this formation, a flood disaster has been occurring for weeks in the same northern Italy. Thus, the formation can easily refer to it.

A relationship between the floods and technological developments?

In combination with the theme of data technical developments that can be supplemented or compensated with nature awareness, a relationship seems to be pointed out between this theme and the floods. What could this relationship look like?

The flood disaster in North Italy.

There will probably be more than enough people who point to nature as the big culprit that is both nature- and culture-destroying. After all, in such cases we speak of a 'natural disaster'. There was a prolonged period of drought that was followed by a prolonged period of heavy rainfall.

Extreme weather is not factored in.

Broadly speaking, it can be said that due to the prolonged drought, the soil conditions have weakened to such an extent that it is unable to process the enormous bodies of water. Landslides are taking place everywhere. Agriculture, residential areas, infrastructure, etc. are flooded with all the consequences that entails.
It can be seen that society has not been able to cope with the effects of the extreme weather. This can be seen as a technical or organizational shortcoming.

Another possible relationship concerns that of technological developments that affect climate or weather conditions.

Climate agendas.

An agenda is unfolding on a global scale that highlights climate change. There is talk of global warming or a man-made climate crisis. In this respect, the catastrôfe in northern Italy can be used as an example to reinforce the idea. The question then, of course, is which technological developments have led to the prolonged period of drought and which have led to that of prolonged rainfall?
The answers will range from CO-2 and/or nitrogen emissions to monoculturistic agriculture, to weather manipulations, electromagnetic radiation influences and more. It is presented to us, or if it suits us, withheld, by scientific institutions that all too often allow themselves to be put in the shoes of politicians and heavily irresponsible elites.

If we investigate where the bulk of climate propaganda comes from, we soon discover that very powerful elites of central banks, multinationals, institutions and world leaders take pleasure in making the world's population afraid of a climate crisis, including through politics. But it doesn't stop there. It is these elites who do not shy away from warfare, oppression, exploitation, creating pandemics, causing all kinds of environmental disasters and more of these kinds of very serious crimes.

Manipulations of the weather.

To stay within the scope of this article; These world elites, in addition to the intensive climate propaganda, may very well be responsible for the deliberate creation of so-called natural disasters. By 'so-called natural disasters' I mean catastrophes caused by modern technology, which are regarded as an excessive natural phenomenon to the attention of the average person. I am not saying that the flood misery in northern Italy is the result of such transactions, but that the possibility is not excluded.

The Brèscia formation considered in more detail.

In the comparison I did with the crop circle data point and the element in the Brèscia formation that I believe also refers to a data point, it is noticeable that in the Brèscia formation the point is not correctly placed in the radio button. The radio button represents the ring of diverted grain located directly around the dot of the standing crop.

Left: The dot is not correctly placed in the radio button. Right: as normally placed.

The dot that is normally placed in the middle is shifted to the circumference. The radio button is also accorded the same fate in relation to its immediate surroundings. The immediate vicinity of the radio button will also have shifted, given the convergence of all circles at the perimeter of the total formation. At least that suggestion has been made.
All in all, the image looks like a movement that always goes in one particular direction. As if an agenda is being implemented step by step. As if influence always goes one way and finds an ever wider reach.
The data point with connected circles can be said to be gradually moving away from the fixed nature awareness point. It goes in the direction of removal from the source, in the direction of alienation from nature awareness.

What remains is the point of nature awareness encased by a concentric ring. This point with ring therefore suggests firmness. There have been no shifts at this point with ring, it seems.

Gradual, step-by-step shifts where the position of the source remains unchanged.

Choices of the individual versus choices of the collective.

The above series of diagrams has inspired me to come to an insight that puts a choice of the individual as well as a choice of the collective into perspective.

It is as if the Brèscia formation shows how an individual decision can influence the choices made in the immediate environment of the individual. The reverse is of course also possible. Because the collective represents a certain direction of choice, the individual may be inclined to go along with that direction.

What is nature consciousness?

Since an immovable nature awareness source is pointed out, it is worth paying attention to explain what is meant by it. What can be the meaning or impact of nature awareness? Is it about counting birds, about determining so-called weeds? Is it about CO2 quantities? Without immediately dismissing these things, it seems to me that nature awareness concerns something fundamentally different.
Nature, in my perception, is much more about the nature of creation, the cause of all that exists. Nature awareness, in my opinion, is therefore about the awareness of the totality of existence.
Nature represents absolute truth, which is of course very different from, for example, a written scientific report that claims truth about natural phenomena.

Nature possesses intrinsic consciousness and has the first and last word. It is victorious and inseparable in all things. Nature manifests both chaos and order. It is both consciousness and expression of consciousness. It is both creation and source of creation.

There is a consciousness that ensures that the kernel of an apple does not grow into a frog, that the larva of a mosquito does not develop into an elephant. The intrinsic consciousness that keeps planets in orbit or that atomic particles do not fall into anarchy is a great miracle. There appears to be intrinsic consciousness for all millions of manifestations and it is like an inexhaustible mystery to man.

Of course, such an intrensic consciousness that maintains good order in nature can be called nature awareness, but the term "nature awareness" I want to limit here mainly to the consciousness that we humans can form with regard to our source and our area of experience that is nature.

It is important to be aware of nature as our condition of life. We are nature, no matter how seriously we stray into illusions about culture and technology.
Degenerated nature is also nature. The forces of decomposition and decay are inherent to nature. There is no escaping from nature.

Involving nature consciousness in ourselves.

Nature consciousness can be an instrument for real progress. Cosmic maturity is primarily achieved through self-examination in contrast to the inexhaustible analysis of the phenomena surrounding us. Only if we involve the idea of nature awareness in ourselves, then it will have a real impact. It is this awareness that realizes "I am", which is the starting point for understanding nature.

Nature consciousness then implies awareness of healthy mind and soul, proper emotional housekeeping and body awareness. All this in close connection with each other.
If one looks at nature awareness in this way, one will understand that the political climate agenda, the farmers' expropriation program and all those other pro-nature measures are quite hopeless attempts to make "nature" play a significant role again.

Become as natural as nature itself.

Integrating nature awareness means accepting full responsibility for your existence. For your existence and everything that goes with it, your body, your health, your wounds, your prosperity, your worries, your safety, your fears, your emotions, your thoughts, everything. Since you are placed in the reality in which you exist, that reality belongs to you. The full responsibility for your existence, with everything you have hanging on your bicycle bell, such as conflicts, as parents, as friends, as rulers, as the world as it is, as the time period in which you find yourself. Really the whole package of being human, everything you have to do it with.

All in all, the crop circle seems to offer an encouragement to return to the source from which we alienate ourselves both individually and collectively. It will be about becoming as natural as nature itself. The source is about the waters of life, the purity, the innocence that has not yet been clouded by desires, ambitions or struggles.

The nature that embodies wisdom always strives for the union of all duality as it represents unity awareness. All observable duality in existence is somehow in connexion with everything, inseparable in nature. The poles are always part of one phenomenon.

"The Water Carriers", an 1876 painting by Victor Jacques Renault des Graviers.








































meaning of crop circles

